Darius Leo
The time that we have on this planet is quite short. We could choose to be a little kinder to each other while we are here. I believe that a lot of the world's problems could be reduced simply by...
Mary A McIntyre
Our lack of self compassion, self acceptance and too much focus on bolstering self esteem and outer achievement has sadly affected our capacity to connect to others, to give and receive love and feel...
Nathan Dick
The most significant problem we face is probably climate change, however, I think we are thwarted from facing the challenge largely due to the disconnected individualism of the West. I think we need...
Daisy Dollisson-Oatley
Lack of supportive community. I think the individualistic culture is a huge problem and so many of our difficulties stem from lack of mature, capable community.
Dee Hardy
Information overload provided by the insistent and ongoing access through social media and technology - we need to learn to switch off technology, get back to basics... smell the air, feel the...
Stelle Shakti
That despite all our advances in technology, our lives are as busy and chaotic as ever! We are expected to take on too many roles and give too much of ourselves... there are just so many people who...
Nicola Kickbusch
The current stressors that most people are under stemming from the current cost of living crisis is definitely up there.
Julie Chalmers
Loneliness and lack of safe and secure connection with others.
Angelina Conias
One of the most significant problems we face in the world today is the overwhelming pace of life and the unrealistic expectation to have everything together at all times. Constant messages from...
Leigh Fraser-Gray
Isolation. I do wonder if its easy to feel disconnected. I specialise in helping everyone to understand how they are responding to their circumstances or experiences or situation in life and feel more...
Zoe Hedges
Changing environments and the effect they have on our thought spirit and all.
Ruth Edwards
I feel that there are many problems in the world today. The largest challenge I see is staying connected. With each other, with community, and globally. We have the world at our fingertips with...
Bronwen Bailey
This is a difficult question to answer. But here are some thoughts. Life is mysterious and complex. There are both breathtaking and devastating facets of life in both our inner and outer worlds. We...
Tim Coates
One of the big challenges we're facing today is this kind of paradox. On one hand, technology has us more connected than ever, but it's also left a lot of people feeling isolated and disconnected....
Margaret Bennett
Managing the busyness without going crazy!!!!! COVID is a real challenge and is affecting people's sense of peace, creating anxiety and depression.
Matt Dale
Connectedness. I answer this question quite quickly, as it's a theme I can see recurring through many realms of my work. In this age of social media, digital demands, complex family dynamics and a...
Donna Neck
People today sometimes lose sight of the important things in life by focusing on the material things instead of the all important connection with family, love and friendship, as well as demonstrating...
Gregg Palmer
People can have a tendency to be so mentally identified, they can disconnect from their natural being. I would place this as a root contender for pathology.
Connie Reed
Prioritising economics over environmental safety and social wellbeing
Michelle McClintock
Communication (effective communication is based in self-awareness)
Compassion (also based in self-awareness and self-compassion)
Sigrid O'Callaghan
Greed for money, power, status and the delayed care for our environment and fellow human beings.
Sarah Harwood
Secure attachments, and difficulties in relationships, as people are more distracted these days by TV and mobile phones. There is a lack of connection within the family home.
Natajsa Wagner
Great question, with many answers. For me, I see one of the most significant problems we face is a lack of connection. In so many ways humans have become disconnected from ourselves, each other,...
Mark McMahon
I think one of the most significant problems is disconnection with each other due to the use of technologies, that can be quite addictive. As with everything else though, technology can be used for...