Add your profile to Good Therapy’s Psychotherapy and Counselling Directory
Good Therapy Australia's Psychotherapy & Counselling Practitioner Directory aims to provide Australians who are looking for a therapist, with relevant, meaningful information, facilitating a good match between client and therapist.
Psychotherapists - Counsellors - Relationship Therapists - Family Therapists - Psychologists - Psychoanalysts - Social Workers - Occupational Therapists
Over 700 practitioners are registered with Good Therapy Australia at the present time.
Professional Eligibility Pathways
To list your profile in Good Therapy's Psychotherapy & Counselling Practitioner Directory, you must be working in private practice and have current professional indemnity insurance.
Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Mental Health Nurses and Occupational Therapists
must be registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Nurses must also be credentialed through ACMHN
Accredited Mental Health Social Workers
must be a practicing member of the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW)
Psychotherapists and Counsellors
must be a practicing member of an approved Professional Association.
A Profile contains information relating to a practitioner's philosophy and vision, services, therapy approach, and qualifications.
Visitors to Good Therapy's website can send a message via the contact form on a therapist's profile. Practitioners may opt to be contacted by email, phone - or both.
A Profile can have up to three photos and three practice locations.
Since Covid-19, many practitioners offer therapy online (Telehealth).
A Profile can be updated or edited at any time.
Integrated statistics allow practitioners to see how many people have viewed their profile.
Practitioners have the option of answering the 10 Questions for Therapists.
Join the community of therapists who use Good Therapy’s Practitioner Directory to promote their services, and support a not-for-profit initiative that helps Australians to find a suitable therapist.
Directory Listing: $154 (no GST) Yearly payment
A reduced rate of $110 is currently available. Read more
Refund available at 3 months, less $30 administration fee.
A profile takes approximately 30 - 60 minutes to create.
Practitioners are responsible for ensuring their profile information is accurate. A profile can be updated or edited at any time.
A new profile is activated when the practitioner's application is approved and payment has been received. Approval is subject to Good Therapy's process for checking professional eligibility and other criteria.
We look forward to welcoming you :)