Ronald Valencia
Psychotherapist, Counsellor
Ronald Valencia Psychotherapy & Supervision
Surry Hills, Sydney NSW 2010
In Person Consultations
Philosophy & Vision
There are 250 forms of psychotherapy and it can be tricky deciding which is right for you. If you have tried other forms of therapy (incl. medication) with little or no success, I suggest you give Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) a try. ISTDP has good evidence base in resolving symptoms of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, psychosomatic illness and personality disturbances. It is highly effective in promoting self-understanding and character change.
I have a diverse background in disciplines such as philosophy, theology, spirituality and psychodynamic psychotherapy; all of which enable me to approach my work in a holistic way. I have undergone training in body-inclusive therapies, as well as Narrative Therapy. For many years, I have worked with disadvantaged youth and their families presenting with complex trauma histories, as well as those with identity, sexuality and gender issues. I am equally comfortable working with older folk.
ISTDP is an attachment-based and emotion-focused dynamic psychotherapy. The goal of therapy is to get to the core of your problems as deeply and as quickly as possible in order to achieve not only healing (relief from symptoms) but also transformation (character change). In addition, I offer couple therapy and family therapy to families with older adolescents.
I also provide supervision to therapists interested in brief psychodynamic therapy approaches. You must be willing to present a videotaped session.
Quality Provision
Unless otherwise requested, sessions are videotaped to enable me to study and reflect on our work in order to improve quality of service, and thus accelerate the progress of therapy. I am supervised by an ISTDP specialist and videotape enables me to work at the highest level. Clients may access their taped sessions to increase and accelerate learning. The work is private and confidential and I am bound by PACFA's code of ethics.
Areas of Special Interest
- Advanced Diploma of Systemic Therapy - 2006 - Unifam
- B Theol - 1993
- MA - 1988
- BA - 1986
- Core Training in ISTDP/Advanced Training ISTDP - 2012-17 - Melbourne Centre for ISTDP
Emotionally Focused Therapy - Experiential - ISTDP - Marriage and Family - Narrative Therapy - Psychodynamic - Somatic Psychotherapy
Therapy Approach
The work of therapy is collaborative: the client's will to participate in the process is absolutely essential, and that's where I begin. I work with clients to reach the therapy goal which they have set for themselves. In my work I also draw on insights gained from family systems theory, body-oriented psychotherapy, existential therapy, and narrative therapy. But what informs my work in the main is ISTDP. For more information on ISTDP see www.istdp.ca
Professional Associations
- Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia
Practice Locations
Suite 305, Level 3
410 Elizabeth Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010
My office is a block away from Central Station. On-street parking available.
Please phone or email me to make an appointment. I see clients during the day, and evenings - also and Saturday mornings.
Fees & Insurance
Standard consultation is from $187.
One of the aims is to shorten the time you spend in therapy.
Payment Options
Payment by cash, cheque, credit (Visa and Mastercard) or internet transfer.
Medibank Private and Australian Unity Health members may be able to get a rebate for the services we provide.
Contact Ronald
Please contact me to make an appointment