Ms Sharon Snir
Psychotherapist, Gestalt Therapist
Sharon Snir Consultancy
Willoughby, Sydney NSW 2068
In Person + Telehealth
Philosophy & Vision
Integrity, Trust and Respect are the foundation stones for a sound and rewarding therapeutic relationship. I recognise the thread of energy that has brought therapist and the client together is often beyond the presenting issue. The space of psychotherapy is a sacred space where the deepest of human pain and joy can be shared.
Everyone of us has lost something precious. A child, a marriage, a parent, our health or a life long partner. It is through my own journey and healing that I bring deep appreciation and respect for all aspects of the human condition.
Sharon is a qualified Psychotherapist. Her experience includes 15 years in early childhood education and a further 10 years in Gestalt therapy. She completed 2 years of psychodrama, post graduate diplomas in Counselling and Psychotherapy and 3 years of training with the world renowned Gestalt psychotherapist Erving and Miriam Polster in the United States. She became a Reiki Master in 1998. Sharon is a published author having written three books including The 12 Levels of Being, Looking for Lionel, and Everyday Miracles.
Sharon works with adult individuals, couples. She holds the utmost respect for the intrinsic wisdom each of her clients hold about their own lives and well being and through her more than 40 years of experience finds way to entice that wisdom to reveal itself. She holds a sacred space for the soul to heal and flourish. Having undergone many joys and sorrows in her 60 plus years she has developed a deep love and abiding compassion for the human condition.
Quality Provision
Attending regular professional develpment programs and on-going clinical supervision.
Areas of Special Interest
- Bachelor of Arts - 1975
- Diploma Early Childhood Education - 1974
- Grad Diploma Counselling and Psychotherapy - 1994
- Grad Diploma Gestalt Therapy USA - 1998
Gestalt - Interpersonal - Meditation - Mindfulness - Person Centred - Transpersonal
Therapy Approach
Psychotherapy is really two words placed together: Psycho coming from the Greek word Psyche which means breath, soul and life and Therapeia also originating Greek which means attending to pain, illness or disability. Psychotherapy therefore is attending to the pain of the inner self.
Psychotherapy provides individuals with the opportunity to explore, understand and face the challenges that affect their lives. It is not by any means exclusively for people who are unwell. Healthy vibrant and intelligent people can and do benefit from psychotherapy.
Professional Associations
- Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia
Practice Locations
5 Garden Place
Willoughby NSW 2068
Easy parking available
12 Jersey Avenue
Leura NSW 2780
One hour appointments.
Online appointments available through Skype, Whats app
Telephone sessions
Fees & Insurance
Individual hourly sessions $180
Students negotiable
Couples ( 1 and 1/2 hours) $240
Payment Options
Intenet Bank
Contact Sharon
Please contact me to make an appointment
A conversation with Sharon Snir
One can often remember a moment in their own childhood when somethng calls to you and you know that is who I am. When I was aout 5 years old I watched a Christmas movie on television about a husband and wife who opened their home to troubled children. I knew at that moment I wanted many children of my own and that I would help people with problems. As it turned out I have five adult children now and a number of grandchildren. Of course I had to have and heal my own problems before I stepped into the healing profession but that is how it all began.
The 12 Levels of Being
Learning to live a meaningful and joyful life after experiencing tragedy, disaster and loss. -
Body mind and soul
Gestalt Therapy, Meditation, Mindfulness, Humour
After the first session
It has, in the words of St Francis given me
The serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. t
Connecting with another human being
of course.
Self Love
Mister God This is Anna by Fynn
Stand by Me
Published Articles
Although I trained as a Gestalt therapist, my professional journey began as an early childhood ...
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