Ms Kate McMaugh
Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Supervisor
Kate McMaugh Psychology
Balgowlah, Sydney NSW 2093
In Person + Telehealth
Philosophy & Vision
I am a clinical psychologist and supervisor with an interest in treating trauma, dissociative disorders, ADHD, drug and alcohol problems and sleep disorders/problems. I also provide parenting education and support. I research, teach and write about complex trauma and dissociative disorders.
Unfortunately I have limited capacity to take on counselling clients and my books are currently closed to new counselling clients. However I am available to assessments and training. I also provide clinical supervision to health professionals. I am an AHPRA board-endorsed supervisor for psychologists.
I have worked and studied in the health/welfare/disability fields for over 30 years. This includes health education, drug and alcohol services, sexual assault, child trauma, birth trauma counselling, disability services and aged care. I have a professional interest in trauma work, including working with survivors of child abuse, workplace trauma, vicarious trauma, domestic and family violence, and other forms of violence.
I also have post graduate training in health education and promotion and support people in making healthy lifestyle changes such as weight management, exercise, reducing alcohol use and quitting smoking.
I have a background in treating complex trauma and dissociative disorders, including DID, institutional and organised abuse. I also have experience providing counselling for birth trauma, vicarious trauma, and parenting support for child abuse survivors. I have extensive experience working with people with intellectual disability. I am available for assessment and diagnostic consultations, research projects, professional writing and editing, clinical supervision and training in the field of complex trauma and dissociation.
Quality Provision
As a clinical psychologist registered with the Psychology Board of Australia, I have undertaken a rigorous academic training program, including extensive supervised clinical placements. As part of maintaining my registration, I have ongoing training each year and attend regular supervision. I am a member of the Australian Association of Psychologists, Inc and a Fellow of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation.
Areas of Special Interest
- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) - UNSW
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons, Psych) - Uni of Tasmania
- Grad Dip Health Promotion - QLD Uni of Technology (QUT)
- Masters of Health Science - QLD Uni of Technology (QUT)
- Grad Cert Applied Psych - Macquarie University
- Masters of Clinical Psychology - Charles Sturt University
Attachment Theory - CBT - EMDR - Hypnotherapy - Interpersonal - Journal Therapy - Mindfulness - Motivational Interviewing - Narrative Therapy - Neuroscience - Person Centred - Psychodynamic - Sensorimotor Psychotherapy - Solution Oriented - Somatic Psychotherapy - Trauma-Informed
Therapy Approach
Counselling - my approach is client centred, eclectic and evidence based. When working with complex trauma survivors I use evidence based three stage trauma processing therapy with a focus on safety and stability.
Assessments - I aim to offer thorough and affordable assessments, with reports that are detailed, practical and useful. Assessments offered include cognitive, memory, learning, ADHD, mental health.
Supervision - I aim to make supervision safe, affordable and supportive. I regularly train to improve supervision skills and have supervision for this aspect of my work.
Professional Associations
- Australian Association of Psychologists Inc
- International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation
Practice Locations
Balgowlah NSW 2093
Good public transport (bus) and on street parking (no cost). Good council parking near by at no cost
Please call to discuss. As my phone is off when with clients, please leave a voicemail with times you can be contacted.
Fees & Insurance
Clinical supervision - $200 (plus GST) 60 mins .
Assessments - please contact me to discuss your requirements
Counselling - $200 (not currently available)
Payment Options
Direct Debit, Bank transfer, EFTPOS
Payment through secure practice management system
Contact Kate
Please contact me to make an appointment
When contacting a therapist, let them
know you found them at Good Therapy
A conversation with Kate McMaugh
I originally chose to study psychology as an 18 year old who was interested in "brains and behaviour" but I did not come from an academic family at all (I am the first person in my family to finish school) So I really had little idea what a psychologist did and I don't think I had ever met one! However it turned out that my choice, all those years ago, was a lucky one, as I love what I do.
As I got older and more aware of my profession it was the mind-body connection and the huge potential of the human being to heal that really hooked me into counselling. Psychology is such a broad profession and we can work in lots of areas but by half way through my training I knew that it was trauma counselling in particular that fascinated me and I have spent much of my life in that field. Unfortunately, I am no longer able to take on counselling clients but I consider it a privilege to support other counsellors through supervision and case consultation. -
I am influenced by psychodynamic and sensori-motor theories in particular. Mindfulness is also an approach that I have grown to love (although I assure you it was not a natural approach for me originally!) I am also fascinated by the field of trauma and dissociation and there are several approaches that have very much influenced me such as 'Structural Theory of Dissociation'. I like the way some of the newer models of trauma and dissociation therapy propose that trauma symptoms were actually adaptive survival responses at the time of trauma, and also recognise the strengths of trauma survivors. It is a less 'pathologising' approach that I find refreshing.
Pretty much everything !! My main interest is obviously complex trauma and dissociation. This is my passion and what I have devoted my career to.
But I am also interested in health in general. Call me a nerd, if you will, but I can read just about any research article on a health topic, even if I don't work in that area! Before I became a registered psych I worked in health policy, health promotion and health education. I feel this gave me a 'big picture' view of human life that psychology could not. I became interested in how people live within the systems of our society. I am passionate about supporting people to have the best life they can. As such I love working with health and fitness and lifestyle change as well. For me, it is not 'all about trauma'. -
Trauma processing therapy, psychodynamic therapy, ego state therapies, sensorimotor therapy, mindfulness, art therapy, CBT, ACT, EMDR and others as my clients need.
In regard assessments I use evidence based, well research and normed assessments. These will vary depending on the condition being assessed.
For supervision I use a reflective supervision model that aims to be supportive and build on your existing knowledge, training and strengths. -
This varies from client to client and depends on the severity of their situation. However I think clients should know within a few sessions if this is moving in the right direction for them.
I think I am calmer and more grounded as a result of trying to 'practice what I preach'!
Being a therapist has helped me remain connected to wider society and helps me remain empathic and connected to the issues of many, varied people in our society. It really is a privileged position to do what we do. -
Meeting a wide variety of people and supporting people as they make changes and process the issues that are bothering them. I like the way it gives me the chance to really be with people in a deep and personal way. Therapy feels very 'real' to me and that connection is rejuvenating and rewarding.
Absolutely. I usually straighten my hair but when it is rainy the messy curls escape. This can shock the clients who think I genuinely have straight, smooth hair.
Environmental destruction. And love of money. I mean, we all appreciate money, dont get me wrong. But when we put money ahead of goodness, kindness and looking after our world, including the environment, then we have REALLY stuffed up.
It is almost too many to mention. I love reading and music! But if I can share with you the words of Kathy Steele - this is poetic, I think, and it inspires me as I sit with the most wounded people, who share their trauma with me.
Sitting With The Shattered Soul -Steele, K. (1987)
So how do you sit with a shattered soul?
Gently, with gracious and deep respect.
Patiently, for time stands still for the shattered, and the momentum of healing will be
slow at first.
With the tender strength that comes from an openness to your own deepest wounding, and to your own deepest healing.
Firmly, never wavering in the utmost conviction that evil is powerful, but there is a good that is more powerful still.