Resources For Difficult Times
Indeed, 2020 is turning out to be a monumentally difficult year. The drought which has been ongoing for some time continues to bring hardship to many parts of Australia. The horrendous bush fires burning out of control since November until recently, endangering people's lives and homes, and causing great suffering for the vulnerable wildlife in our country. The smoke haze that lingered for weeks. And now the Coronavirus, spreading at breakneck speed - like another wildfire, across our planet. The subsequent enormity of impact is a source of unrivaled disruption, fear and uncertainty.
Whether you are facing unemployment, struggling to home school and answer your children's questions about Covid-19, resisting apocalyptic thoughts, grieving the global loss of life or the personal loss of a loved one, it helps (a lot) not to slip into hopelessness.
Hope rests on our willingness to learn from experience: more about ourselves and the world in which we live.
At Good Therapy, we are doing what we can to bolster solidarity and foster kindness. We are after all, all in this together. Soon we will be launching a new community arts initiative that will provide a place for people to explore their thoughts and feelings in response to what is happening around the world and how it affects them personally. For now, we invite you to find solace and inspiration from articles written by therapists profiled in Good Therapy's practitioner directory.
Support from the Inner Realm and Relationship in Confinement
"We've recently started a new series of blog posts called "Despatches from the Retreat". With these posts we hope to provide support and encouragement during the difficult time of COVID-19. We'll be posting thoughts and reflections on how we can each stay psychologically healthy during this time, and how we can ensure our relationships stay healthy too." -- Ron Dowd, Psychotherapist and Counsellor > CLICK HERE to read
How to manage anxiety during Coronavirus
"We cannot control the corona virus, its impact, the world economy or how our governments respond at this time. Nor can we make the fears and anxieties surrounding this situation instantly disappear. But we can do something about how we respond in the moment, and that is the important part." -- Natajsa Wagner, Gestalt Therapist > CLICK HERE to read
Help for Parents responding to Children affected by the pandemic
"Comprehending the Coronavirus and putting things in to perspective can be tough for all of us - kids, young people and adults, from all walks of life. This article shares several ideas and tips on how to answer children or young people's questions and respond to their worries." -- Kirrilie Smout, Clinical Psychologist > CLICK HERE to read
COVID-19 online support groups for stress and anxiety
For men and women, interested in participating in a supportive group and learning more about managing the current COVID-19 emotional challenges. -- Kylie Lepri, Counsellor and Psychotherapist > CLICK HERE to read
Salvaging your Sanity in Insane Times
"People tend to share things they are worried about; this creates an atmosphere of stress, which can perpetuate your own stress. Turn down the volume on COVID chat by disengaging in social media and kindly change the topic when conversations revolve around COVID." -- Natalie Incledon, Clinical Psychologist > CLICK HERE to read
Tips for working remotely and building resilience
"We have pulled together some information to help you manage feelings of worry and unease, and ideally provide you and your teams, or friends and family, with skills to monitor and de-escalate these before they develop into severe anxiety and panic." -- Matt Dale, Psychologist and Counsellor > CLICK HERE to read
How to get the most out of Telehealth Counselling
"While using telehealth may seem a little strange at first, it's still an effective way to access support while self-isolating. Your therapist will help you adjust and be as flexible as possible to enable a smooth transition from in-person consultations to online video conference sessions." -- Amber Rules, Psychotherapist and Addictions Counsellor > CLICK HERE to read
More Therapist blogs
Family Systems and Family Therapy - Martina Palombi, Psychotherapist and Counsellor > CLICK HERE to read
Travelling at the Speed of Lightheartedness - Sharon Snir, Gestalt Therapist > CLICK HERE to read
The Mannaz Journal - Reed Everingham, Psychotherapist and Counsellor > CLICK HERE to read
Breathing in the Stars - Sarah Tuckett, Counsellor and Body Psychotherapist > CLICK HERE to read
Shrink Wrap - Stephanie Thompson, Psychologist and Functional Medicine Enthusiast > CLICK HERE to read
Counselling for Couples - Vivian Baruch, Relationship Therapist > CLICK HERE to read