Eternal Popups
Just when I'm at my lowest
you pop up in most surprising ways
flashing your instant presence
Rain drops clinging to a living leaf
Soft sound of doves cooing
Three quarter moon still hanging there
Gentle draft on my creased brow
Aroma of morning on my face
I'm not deceived O wily one
My cut-through thoughts are clear
My body tensed and raw
This world of ours is falling
and no one will be spared
I lean back from my writing place
looking through the window
to ancient meditator
framed by palm branches
and remnants of brick wall
How small you are and yet how strong
my sitting self my Buddha mind
Popup thoughts slide away
Dog sighing at my feet
Body easing into breath
scattering my unease
Just when I'm at my lowest
Eternal Popups gratefully received