Conferences For Counsellors And Psychotherapists
Australian and International Professional Development and Training Events in 2015 and 2016, for Counsellors, Psychotherapists, Psychologists, and Clinical Social Workers.
The Fourth Australian Dance Movement Therapy Conference
Broadening the Spectrum: Dance and other expressive arts therapies for health and healing
10 - 12 July 2015 | Abbotsford, Victoria | visit conference website
Transactional Analysis Conference 2015
COME TOGETHER: The power of group dynamics
29 July - 1 August 2015 | The Menzies Hotel, Sydney | visit conference website
ANZAP 26th Annual Conference
Intimacy & Alienation: Poetics and Fundamentalism
6 - 8 August 2015 | State Library of NSW, Sydney | visit conference website
ANZMH 16th International Mental Health Conference
Mental Health Future for All
12 - 14 August 2015 | QT Hotel, Gold Coast Qld | visit conference website
36th Australian Family Therapy Conference
How and Why Do Family and Systemic Therapies Work?
6 - 7 November 2015 | Melbourne | visit conference website
AANZPA Annual Conference
The Truth is in the Relationship
20 - 24 January 2016 | Camperdown, Sydney | visit conference website