Change Brings Growth

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a big fan of change. While I like new experiences and trying new things, I also like the predictability of a settled routine. However, as we know life is all about change. Things never stay the same for too long and quite often the experience of change can be the invitation towards growth. So despite my misgivings about change I’m learning to open up to it and finding ways to engage with all the growth and learning change offers to me.

I’ve wondered if you’re a bit like me too when it comes to change? This year has been a solid year of change, adjustment and growth and for me it helps to consolidate my progress and gains through reflection and sharing my thoughts with others - thus this note!

I would like to invite you to join with me in reflecting on the process of change. So often when we approach a new beginning in our lives we come with energy and plans or resolutions to ourselves of how things are going to be different. This time, I’d like to approach things a bit differently. First of all, I’d like us to start by acknowledging our recent progress and accomplishments and how you have grown so far in 2014. Take a moment to really let your mind reflect and remember the times that you were kind to someone hurting, where you showed courage in a difficult situation, where you were more honest with yourself and others and the positive effects all these and other great moments have had in your life this year. So often we focus on the big picture and forget to recall the little changes which when added up have had a big effect. By taking the time to remember our previous successes we are strengthened and encouraged to continue and find the courage to break into new in our lives.

Perhaps we could look at our lives like a garden and consider the things that are growing in our lives and ask – are they feeding and nurturing me? Are they nurturing the people around me or are there things in my life that are hurting me and blocking my growth? Perhaps there are some areas where you’d like to do some weeding? Perhaps there are things to be removed or you might even desire to plant something completely new! Just maybe there is already something really beautiful growing within you that just hasn’t received your attention for a long time and needs to have the debris removed so it can really grow and thrive? This is the time to look at all of these things and consider, ‘what is it that I really need and want in my life so I can really grow, thrive and flourish?”

By doing this, we can allow our focus to be about building upon the gains we have already made and connecting with information, support and each other to propel us to the next level. Remember, transformation starts with the small steps of change and each step has required our love, strength, commitment and effort and deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated. Perhaps as the new year approaches you might like to start writing in a journal so you can track the progress of your growth in the future? Maybe you could take time out to write an encouraging note to a friend to support their progress? Perhaps you’ll take steps towards making a long held dream a reality?

I encourage you to finish this year by cultivating something really beautiful in your life. Immerse yourself in the things that really matter and picture your life as a beautiful garden thriving, flourishing, nurturing and feeding you and those around you. As you do, be prepared for your life to unfold in 2015 in many wonderful ways. The possibilities are endless.

Happy gardening!

Words by Marcia Watts

Posted on 15 December 2014