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Mr Eric Lyleson
Relationship Therapist, Psychologist
Healing Relationships Centre
Dee Why, Sydney NSW 2099
In Person Consultations
Philosophy & Vision
Good therapy helps people in two ways. On one hand it helps people to release the negative thoughts and feelings that stand in their way of getting over problems and being happy. On the other it helps people tap into or develop the resources and abilities they need to solve problems and achieve their goals. People are not always conscious of the thoughts and feelings that get in their way, or in tune with all their abilities. Good therapy helps people open to the power of their subconscious.
Eric has been providing counselling and psychotherapy in Dee Why since 1988. He has also taught postgraduate courses at the Australian College of Applied Psychology and helped initiate the Psychologists registration program. He has taught professional development courses on marriage counselling, Ericksonian Hypnosis and the Enneagram throughout Australia. Eric is author of 'Essential Wholeness, Integral Psychotherapy, Spiritual Awakening and the Enneagram', as well as, 'Reflections from Down Under, Getting Lost and Finding Yourself in Nature'.
Individual Counselling, Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy and Coaching
Professional Supervision, Training and Professional Development
Marriage Counselling, Conflict resolution, Sex Therapy
Adolescent and Family Therapies
Meditation and Mindfulness courses
Quality Provision
Eric is committed to helping people in the most powerful, safe, friendly and time effective way. He has done postgraduate professional training with many of the finest therapists in the world including Stephen Gilligan, PhD, author of Courage to Love; John Grinder, cofounder of NLP; David Schnarch, PhD, author of Passionate Marriage, Brandon Bays, author of the Journey, to name a few.
Areas of Special Interest
- M.A. Psychology, Sonoma State University, USA - 1985
- B.A. Psychology, Sonoma State University, USA - 1982
ACT - Buddhist Psychotherapy - Ericksonian - Hypnotherapy - Marriage and Family - Meditation - Mindfulness - NLP - Solution Oriented - Transpersonal
Therapy Approach
Eric Lyleson takes an integrated approach to helping people emotionally heal and realise their potentials. With experience in CBT, Gestalt, NLP, EFT, TFT, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Family Systems, Mindfulness, ACT, Humanistic and Existential therapies he helps people find solutions, but also find themselves. With thirty years of studying Buddhist psychology, Eric is quite interested in helping people learn to trust in their deepest true nature no matter what their spiritual orientation.
Professional Associations
- Australian Association of Buddhist Counsellors and Psychotherapists
- Australian Psychological Society
Practice Locations
107/30 Fisher Rd
Dee Why NSW 2099
Free parking nearby and close to major bus stop.
Monday to Thursday 8.30 - 7.00
Evening meditation courses 7.00 - 8.30
Fees & Insurance
Fees range from $170.00
Medicare and private heath fund rebates available
Contact Eric
Please contact me to make an appointment